AMES, Iowa – Improving water quality and the impact of the U.S.-China trade war will highlight information provided by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach specialists at the annual meeting of the Northeast Iowa Agricultural Experimental Association. The meeting will be held March 5 at the Borlaug Learning Center located at the Iowa State University Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm near Nashua.

The meeting is free and open to the public, and begins at 9:30 a.m. with a call to order for the board meeting. Presentations will follow at 10 a.m. Topics to be discussed include:

  • Wendong Zhang, assistant professor and extension economist at Iowa State, will share a presentation titled “U.S.-China Ag Trade and the Trade War.”
  • Brian Dougherty, ag engineering specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach, will discuss the “Impact of Manure Management and Cover Crops on Drainage Water Quality and Yields.”
  • Natasha Hoover, research associate with the Iowa State water quality research lab, will present on “Antimicrobial Resistance: Occurrence, Fate and Transport in Title-Drained Agricultural Fields.”
  • Ken Pecinovsky, superintendent of the Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm, will review 2018 research trial results conducted at the farm.

All who attend the meeting will receive a copy of the 2018 Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm Annual Progress Report. A lunch served by the Riverton Lucky Clovers 4-H Club will be available for purchase.

Following lunch and the presentations, the NEIAEA Board of Directors will meet. Three complimentary CCA credits (2 CM, 1 SW) will be available for those who attend the day’s sessions.  For more information contact Terry Basol, field agronomist with ISU Extension and Outreach, at 641-426-6801.

Directions to Annual Meeting Location
From Nashua at the junction of Highway 218 (Exit 220) and County Road B60, go west on B60 1.1 miles to Windfall Ave., then south 1 mile to 290th St., then east 0.2 miles to the farm.

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