DES MOINES — The Fourth of July holiday left American Red Cross chapters in Iowa with a critical need for blood.

“Donate if you can, all types are needed right now,” says Red Cross spokeswoman Sue Thesenga. She says the agency tries to make it as easy as possible for Iowans to help out as there are blood drives around the state daily.

“So if you visit our website or our app,” Thesenga says, “all you have to do is put your ZIP code in and you can find a blood drive that’s conveniently located.” During the long holiday, many routine blood donors took some time off for vacations, which left supplies strapped.

“The Red Cross has less than a three-day supply of most blood types, and less than a two day supply of type O,” she says. “We really strive to keep a five-day supply on hand at all times.” Search for blood drives in your area by visiting